商务讲座通知: 國際貿易中的常見問題和解決方案 Trading Business Solutions
亚特兰大中国商会 (CBAA) 与狮威物流集团将于4月8日上午10:30 至下午1点在Spruill Oaks Regional Library图书馆(9560 Spruill Road, Johns Creek, GA 30022)联合举办讲座“國際貿易中的常見問題和解決方案 Trading Business Solutions“。 诚挚邀请亞特蘭大地區各界朋友,各進出口公司管理和企業家个人出席座談會, 交流并討論如何有效降低成本消耗,提高公司效益。
獅威集團智慧貿易支援計劃,為中小型企业, 电商,以及初创型公司的外貿發展提供高效的人力資源平台。獅威物流集團是亞洲地區最大的貨運物流公司之一,擁有超过30年的實戰經驗。集團總部坐落于香港,并在北美、東南亞和中国分别設立了區域總部,結合獅威遍布全球的逾60家分公司,向我們的客户提供更為優異且有保障的服務。 近期集團提出為客戶專業定制的“獅威智慧貿易支援計劃”,憑藉完善的網络,專業的團隊,现代化的管理,為各中小企業和初始公司搭建高效的人力資源平台,解決人手不足,成本過高等難題;提供包括供應鏈管理,倉儲物流服務,國際合規協助,以及物流訂單融資等一系列外貿企業發展過程中,必不可少的貿易操作及協調服務。
Over the past 30 years Scanwell Logistics has grown to become one of the largest privately-held freight forwarding companies operating in over 60 locations worldwide. We are a rapidly expanding organization offering our clients complete end-to-end supply chain solutions including Air/Ocean logistics, consolidations, warehousing, Customs brokerage & domestic trucking services. Meanwhile, our newly promoted SL Smart Trade Solutions Program also provides professional “Human Resource Platform” geared towards producing flexible and result driven solutions to all business worldwide. No matter whether you are small & medium company owner or about to start a new business, we always have the expertise to offer professional trade assistance services.
Charles Cheung: Corporate Executive 北美大区副总裁
Thomas Fung: Business Development Director 業務開發總監
Layla Qian
Business Developer
Layla is our business developer for the Smart Trade Solutions program, with a Mater degree in Organizational Communications. Being a member of improving the Smart Trade Solutions program, she is very familiar with our service range and details. With years of experience in customer services and management, she can always communicate patiently with clients, understand their needs and provide customized services according to help them benefit the most through our trade program.
laylaqian@scanwell.com thomasfung@scanwell.com
电话:847-228-6789 (Chicago) 404-767-2323 (Atlanta)
微信:qianlaizhi 或 Jence-W
时间: 4月8日上午10:30 至下午1:00
地点: Spruill Oaks Regional Library
9560 Spruill Road, Johns Creek, GA 30022