




The country is known for generating creative, peculiar internet memes. People there have also developed a system for using emoji subversively, so that a smiley face can actually convey contempt.



笑脸 Smiley face On the surface: Happiness.表面意思:开心。Below the surface: A despising, mocking, and even obnoxious attitude.深层意思:鄙视、嘲笑甚至讨厌的态度。Background: The upper “muscle movements” here could explain why the face is considered less friendly and more hostile.


“If you take a closer look at the eyes, the orbicularis oculi (the muscle near that upper eye corner) does not move, and the orbicularis oris (the one near the mouth) tightens, which is a sign of suppressing a smile,” notes An Yong, a user on Zhihu, China’s answer to Quora. The answer has garnered some 16,000 likes since last June.


Guidance: Don’t use it as an expression to say you’re happy about something. Maybe use these instead, since the muscle movements seem to be smiling genuinely:

Or use any of these on your iOS device.


挥手微笑 Smiley face with a waving handOn the surface: Goodbye with a smiley face.表面意思:微笑着说再见Below the surface: “I despise you and really don’t want to talk with you. Please go away.”深层意思: “我鄙视你,真的不想跟你说话。请麻溜走开。”Background: Thanks to the smiley face, this is not a simple goodbye, but rather a mocking expression used to respond negatively to whatever one objects to.


Guidance: If you see this emoji, you might want to change the topic, or just keep your mouth shut. If you wish to retaliate sarcastically, consider sending back two waving hands. Or just deploy for a genius goodbye.


新月笑脸 Smiling new moon faceOn the surface: A moon with a face, hiding in the shadow, according to emojipedia.表面意思:根据emojipedia网站,这是躲在阴影中的新月状笑脸。Below the surface: Sneaky, creepy, or even “I despise you.”深层意思:鬼鬼祟祟、诡异甚至是“鄙视你”。Background: Since the moon’s eyes are staring to its left, it creates a sense of skepticism. With a closed mouth that looks like a suppressed smile, the black and blurry moon face also carries a sense of mocking.


Guidance: Respond with creepiness of your own, but do it with the bright yellow moon face, staring to its right.


抠鼻 Picking your noseOn the surface: Maybe there’s something in your nose?表面意思:可能鼻孔里有东西吧?Below the surface: “I despise you.” (Yes, it’s a recurring theme.)深层意思: “鄙视你”。 (是的,鄙视是永恒的主题。)Background: The emoji has a frown and its eyes look to the right side, half-open.


Usage: Send a smiley face in response—making clear the feeling is mutual.


柴犬 ShibaOn the surface: It’s a dog breed from Japan.表面意思:日本的一种犬种。Below the surface: “I am just cute and innocent. What are you talking about? I have no idea.” (Also: “I despise you.”)深层意思: 我是个天真可爱的宝宝。你在说什么?我听不懂。(也是“鄙视你”的意思)Background: Note the side-looking expression with the closed mouth. So pretentious, while simultaneously cute and innocent. It’s widely used on the internet. It originated from a Japanese rescue dog named Kabosu in 2008.


Usage: We haven’t figured this out yet. Try responding with a shiba. Experiment.









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