---- 郭朋家庭援助委员会
另外,这个星期六,5月14日 Hand In Hand有一个为纪念Donna Guo (丹娜)的car wash fundraining活动,希望得到各位朋友的支持。Donna曾经是Hand In Hand的director。Car wash是在Medlock Bridge上的一个Waffle House。
时间:9 AM to 2 PM
地点: 9650 Medlock Bridge Rd, Johns Creek, GA 30097
详情请见: https://www.facebook.com/events/1117687991587698
Waffle House要求这个活动有30个volunteers. 他们现在还需要一些大人来做volunteer(义工)。如果您能来做义工,请在这里注册: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E044FABAD29AAFA7-carwash. 谢谢您的支持!
(捐款不可以减税Donation is NOT tax deductible under any state or federallaw)
1. 支票请邮寄到地址:
Trust For Guo Family
3245 Peachtree Parkway, Suite D-456
Suwanee, GA 30024
收款人(Payableto): Trust For Guo Family
(请在支票的Memo处写上您的中文姓名及Email 地址)
2. 网上或手机PayPal支付:
3. 电汇 (Direct Deposit)或银行转账
帐号:Routing number: 061000227 AccountNumber: 1113004384
収款人: Trust For Guo Family
(请在Description处填写您的email地址。银行转账需要的Email to Notify Recipient 请用:)
4. 电汇Wire Transfer
Domestic (U.S.):
Wire Routing Transit Number: 121000248
Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank
City, State: San Francisco, CA
Account Number: 1113004384
Title of Account: TrustFor Guo Family
Wire Routing Transit Number: 121000248
Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank
City, State: San Francisco, CA
Your Account Number: 1113004384
Title of Account: TrustFor Guo Family
Donor Acknowledgement and Agreement
Background: On April 18, 2016, Guo Peng and his family were involved in a serious accident in New Zealand. Guo Peng and his wife received permanent and incapacitating injuries that will result in loss of ability to earn a living and will, therefore, require lifelong financial support. Leaders of the Atlanta Chinese community formed a Guo Family Support Group ("Group")and has asked for financial donations for the benefit of Guo Peng and his family("Beneficiary"). A trust, Trust For Guo Family ("Trust), has been set up for the specific purpose of receiving financial donations for the Beneficiary.
I, as Donor,hereby give, or pledge to give, $(entered amount) in US Dollars("Donation") to the Trust and acknowledge and agree to the following:
1. My Donation is a pure gift, out of love and affection, for the sole purpose of supporting the financial needs of Guo Peng and his family. It is not a loan, payment, compensation or consideration of any nature. I attach no conditions or requirements and do not expect any benefits, interests or dividends, return or payback, even when Guo Peng and his wife regain their ability to earn a living.
2. The Trust has the sole control, ownership and possession of my Donation and has the sole discretion to disburse funds or exercise other rights with regard to my Donation and any funds in the Trust.
3. Any fiduciary duties (including any accounting of funds) on the part of the trustees are toward Beneficiary. The trustees owe no fiduciary duties to me. I do not have standing and waive any legal right to sue the Trust, its trustees, the Beneficiary, any members of the Group or any other donors, for accounting or otherwise.
4. My Donation is NOT tax deductible under any state or federal law.
5. I made my Donation voluntarily. I relied on no promises, inducements or undue influences from any person or entity.
6. This acknowledgement and agreement will cover any future monetary gifts I make to the Trust.
7. I have read the above languages and have understood them before I made my Donation.
8. Clicking the submission button or filling out the online pledge form constitutes my electronic signature.
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[…] 5. 郭朋一家遭遇车祸,需要您的援手 […]