
回饋社區,捐贈醫護人員 — 亞特蘭大現代中文學校在行動

近日來,亞特蘭大地區的醫院相繼傳來醫護人員感染新冠病毒和防護物資嚴重不足的消息, 牽動著每位華人的心。


亞特蘭大中文學校作為當地重要華人社團並長期得到當地社區支持的教育機構, 理應盡其所能為社區貢獻一份力量。幾天前ACCA理事會和校務會已經開始行動, 聯繫醫院及當地有口罩現貨的供應商,並於2020年3月19日將第一批700個口罩送到位於市區的Grady 醫院。 我們又陸續聯繫了其它醫院了解對防護物品的具體需要並在數位家長的幫助下聯繫到了國內一家具有美國FDA認證的口罩生產廠家,已經洽談好訂購一批N95 口罩,爭取10 天到貨捐贈給周邊醫院,預計捐贈共20000隻。

回饋社區,捐贈醫護人員 --- 亞特蘭大現代中文學校在行動

圖: 第一批700隻口罩捐贈給Grady Hospital (3/19/2020)

圖:第二天收到的Grady 醫院的感謝郵件截屏








近日來,亞特蘭大地區的醫院相繼傳來醫護人員感染新冠病毒和防護物資嚴重不足的消息, 牽動著每位華人的心。前段時間我們亞城華人社團積極組織了各種募捐活動用於購買口罩等防護物資支援祖國人民抗擊疫情,幫助祖國的親人。 如今我們生活的家園正在面臨新冠病毒的危害, 大批醫護人員由於缺乏防護物資,正在冒著巨大的被感染風險,堅守崗位,戰鬥在抗疫的第一線。

亞特蘭大中文學校作為當地重要華人社團並長期得到當地社區支持的教育機構, 理應盡其所能為社區貢獻一份力量。幾天前ACCA理事會和校務會已經開始行動, 聯繫醫院及當地有口罩現貨的供應商,並於2020年3月19日將第一批700個口罩送到位於市區的Grady 醫院。 今天我們又陸續聯繫了其它醫院了解對防護物品的具體需要並在一位家長的幫助下聯繫到了國內一家具有美國FDA認證的口罩生產廠家,準備訂購一批N95 口罩,爭取10 天到貨。

近日有家長和老師分別表達了捐贈的意願, 經ACCA理事會和校務會討論決定,將在全校師生範圍內開展募捐活動。學校設立了專門用於接受此次捐贈的賬戶用於購買抗疫物資供給亞特蘭大地區的一線抗疫人員。此賬戶由學校理事、總會計和行政主任共同管理,並秉持公開透明的原則,專款專用,及時向大家說明善款數額、購買物資清單及捐贈去處等信息。如果您有醫院、慈善機構及供貨資源等信息,請聯繫我們!也歡迎將此消息轉發給您身邊有捐贈意願的朋友!



1. QuickPay / Zelle to donation@acca-web.org

2. PayPal to acca.charity@acca-web.org (請使用 「send to friend」 方式)

聯繫人:Lucy Xu; 郵箱:xu.lingyu@acca-web.org; 電話:678-267-6621



(Tax ID: 58-2196257,名稱:Atlanta Contemporary Chinese Academy Corp);


亞特蘭大現代中文學校理事會 校務會


Please Join ACCA to Support Local Hospitals and MedicalWorkers

Dearest parents, teachers, and students of ACCA

First of all, we hope everyone is safe during this difficult period as COVID-19 pandemic continues spreading in our community. As you might be aware, several hospitals and medical centers in Greater Atlanta have reported shortage of medical protective supplies. This is very concerning as those who are working hard to save our lives will be at risk without proper protection. It is not long ago when the same shortage was prevailing in China and Atlanta Chinese community made our best efforts organizing donation and arranging shipment of medical supplies to support our home country. Now the community where we live, work, and count on everyday is faced with the same problem and it is our responsibilities to do what we can.

As the largest local Chinese education organization, ACCA received countless community support in the past. We feel obligated to give back and would like to ask you all join our efforts to help local medical workers, nurses, and doctors. Our efforts started a few days ago via contacting local hospitals and medical suppliers. On March 19, we delivered the first batch of 700 masks to Grady Hospital and our effort was deeply appreciated. Now we have a better understanding of what the hospitals/medical centers are facing shortage of. We are also very grateful as one of our parents helped secure an FDA certified Chinese manufacturer to provide quality supply of N95 masks. We will place a bulk order and estimate the shipment to arrive within 10 days.

To make our impact bigger and more meaningful, we need your help! A lot of parents and teachers have expressed interest in donation to support this effort. ACCA board and administrative team have discussed and decided to establish a special bank account dedicated to this effort, which is subject to the joint supervision of board, General Accountant, and the Administrative Director. All donation will be dedicated only to purchase of medical protective wear for the frontline medical staff in Greater Atlanta area. Details of donation, purchase, and beneficiaries will be published publicly for full transparency. If you have information about hospital needs or suppliers, please share with us! We also appreciate it if you help spread the words to those potential interested in supporting our efforts. The more participate, the more doctors and nurses will benefit.

Ways to donate:
1. QuickPay / Zelle to donation@acca-web.org
2. PayPal to acca.charity@acca-web.org (please use 「send to friend」 approach)
Contact: Lucy Xu; Email:xu.lingyu@acca-web.org; Cell:678-267-6621
Note: 1)ACCA is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization and all donation is tax deductible.
(Tax ID: 58-2196257; name: Atlanta Contemporary Chinese Academy Corp);
2)The receipt from online transfer can be used as supporting document for tax reporting.

ACCA Board
ACCA Administrative Committee





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