
Money 雜誌評出生活在美國最棒的50個城市 喬治亞的 Woodstock 榜上有名

Woodstock, GA 在 Money 雜誌最近評出的  “50 Best Places to Live in America.” 名單里榜上有名,被評為第 50 名。該城市位於喬治亞州的 Cherokee 郡,離亞特蘭大市向北大致30分鐘的車程,是2015年喬治亞州唯一入選的城市。

據 Money 雜誌稱,今年的評選主要標準是通過 「良好的就業機會;發展很好的經濟;划算不錯的房價;優秀的學校;以及有著非常特別的地方能讓其成為最棒的最適合生活的前50個美國城市」。

那 Money 雜誌又是怎麼評論 Woodstock 這個城市的呢?

「Woodstock has more than doubled in size in the past 10 years, attracting residents with its proximity to Atlanta, just 30 miles to the south, affordable housing, and strong job growth. The lively downtown area features The Park at City Center, a green space with a gazebo, war memorial, and fountain, which is the site of a series of concerts each summer as well as other seasonal events like a Christmas Jubilee. Dixie Speedway, the Elm Street Cultural Arts Village, Reformation Brewery, and an outlet shopping center are also located within the town limits, giving locals plenty to see and do without needing to head into Atlanta.」


Apex, N.C.
Papillion, Neb.
Sharon, Mass.
Louisville, Colo.
Snoqualmie, Wash.
Sherwood, Ore.
Chanhassen, Minn.
Coppell, Texas
Simsbury, Conn.
Solon, Ohio

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